Portable Wood Chipper Produces Great Leaf Compost Material
Today, I would like to show you how you can significantly reduce your fall leaf problem with the help of a Patriot chipper-shredder. I’m using the CSV-3100B 10 HP wood chipper in this demonstration. The key to getting the best reduction is to properly feed the leaves into the hopper. If you dump a bunch of leaves into the hopper all at once they will clog at the bottom of the hopper. If, however, you allow the leaves to cascade down the side you’ll get a much smaller shred and it will work all day long without clogging. There’s no need to separate out small twigs or nuts as the shredder will process both right along with your leaves. Longer branches, and those more than ½ inch in diameter, should be fed down the chipping cone on the front of the machine. Now that you have shred your leaves you’ll have far less yard waste to get rid of. As a matter of fact, you’ll find this material is great for mulching around your trees and in your flower beds. This material is also great for restoring the nutrients in your garden. Simply turn it back into your garden in the fall for great soil in the spring. I reduced this large pile of leaves into 2 small bags in about 10 minutes. You now have a fine mulch material which you can reuse or easily dispose of. It’s also great material for your compost pile.
Be sure to check out our composting guide for sale online for more information on how to create nutritious compost material for your yard and garden.
Buy gas powered leaf shredders online today from Patriot Products, Inc. and be sure to check out our guide for making great compost in 14 days.